Sep 16, 2010


Io sono in blu jeans. Sto indossando la maglietta nera. Mi piace magliette nera e grigio. sto indossando il cappello grigio. Sto indossando bianco calzini. Io non sto indossando camica. Domani sto indossando camica nera. Io non sto indossando 'l abito perche' sono un uomo. Sto indossando scarpe bianche. mi piace le scarpe bianche. Io non sto indossando maglione perche' sono caldo.

I'm in blue jeans. I'm wearing the black shirt. I like black shirts and gray. I'm wearing the gray hat. I'm wearing white socks. I'm not wearing a shirt. Tomorrow I'm wearing a black shirt. I'm not wearing 'the dress' cause I'm a man. I'm wearing white shoes. I like the white shoes. I'm not wearing sweater 'cause I'm hot.

Esame domani (test tomorrow)

So tomorrow is the second test. Just getting ready to do poorly. I think i have been going to the campo too much and staying up late. Anyway I am going to do some memorizing and maybe make some note cards on the iphone. I love it so far. The iphone that is. After that i will come back here and post my attire in italiano. Wish me luck!

Sep 13, 2010

Rainy day in Siena town

Well today I just want to sleep. Its a crappy day. Its been dark and rainy for most of the day and we watched La Vita Bella. Life is Beautiful. Its good at first then its just depressing. Girls were crying. As if the rain wasnt depressing enough. But I think im going to try and take this time to do some photo work. Put together a series from London and such and then try and map out things I want to shoot in Siena. I should also plan out some weekend trips for later so I can book them now. I haven't been keeping a journal like I should. Im losing names of places and what not but Im not quite the journaling type. I dont know why but I always start a journal and get at most 5 entries. I also have been bad about taking pictures in general. I just dont want to haul around my big digital camera and look like a tourist but there are so many of them here I am almost getting sick of them. Anyway thats enough for right now. I am off to do photo work and study. Ciao!

Sep 10, 2010

Italian Practice

Im going to do a italian practice blog. I think this should be some good practice and allow me to use "technology" to study. Here goes......

Come ti chiamo?
-Mi chiamo Zach.
Di dove sei?
-Io ho sono Bozeman MT e Wisconsin
Quanto anni hai?
-Io ho ventiquattro ani
Come stai?
Hai una sorella?
-Si, Io ho due sorelle.

Thats just some short conversation. I need to get back to some memorization. YAY!!!!

Sep 7, 2010

First day of Italian

Today was the first day of Italian. The beginning of the day we played some ice breaker game to help us understand what its like to be and be in a different culture. We have a writing assignment about it. Then we had free time for lunch and then some more orientation and talks of the night life. The actual Italian part seems like they are throwing us right into Italian. I think I will do a lot better than Spanish. One because its not hairy Rukavina or whatever and two because I am much better at note taking and I actually have study habits. Anyway just alphabet and such so we can start to pronounce things. The day was a little rough because we went out last night until about 1am. It was a lot more fun than I thought. Got to know Derek from Mexico city and Zach from MSU. So that was cool. We found a good pub and got to know the bar tenders. Anyway so far Siena is awesome.

Sep 5, 2010

First Post of the Semester

This is the first post. I am hopefully going to keep this up to date with photos and info on my life in Siena. This and my journal will be my lasting record of the time spent here.
